Estimated launch date.
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Estimated launch date.
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The final launch date for the RobustSwap DEX is set to Thursday, November 11, 2021.
Trading and farming the RobustSwap Token (RBS) will commence at block #12562243:
At launch, 930 RBS will be minted for initial liquidity and bootstrapping.
Total Initial Liquidity: 576 RBS
RBS/BUSD Liquidity Pair: 288 RBS / 2800 BUSD
RBS/BNB Liquidity Pair: 288 RBS / 5 BNB
RBW Bootstrapping: 354 RBS
No pre-sale
No pre-mine
Fair launch
The launch price for the RobustSwap Token (RBS) is $10.
RBS/BNB and RBS/BUSD initial liquidity will be provided before launch. However, trading RBS will only be possible at launch.